QuantiFluor® RNA System

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Sensitive Quantitation of Small Amounts of RNA in Solution

  • Requires less template RNA than other systems
  • More sensitive than absorbance methods for low-concentration samples


Catalog number selected: E3310

$ 387.00
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QuantiFluor® RNA System
$ 387.00
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Highly Sensitive, Easy-to-Use, Fluorescent Dye for RNA Quantitation

The QuantiFluor® RNA System contains a fluorescent RNA-binding dye that enables sensitive quantitation of small amounts of RNA in solution. Detecting and quantitating small amounts of RNA is  important for many biological applications, including determining yield of in vitro transcribed RNA and  measuring RNA concentration before Northern blot analysis, S1 nuclease assays, RNase protection assays, cDNA library preparation, RT-PCR and differential display PCR.

The QuantiFluor® System requires less RNA (100pg) than other RNA quantitation methods (~1µg), so you save more of your sample for downstream assays.


Improved Sensitivity vs. Absorbance and Other Fluorescent RNA Quantitation Systems

The system is designed to measure 0.1–500ng/µl RNA (from 1µl sample in a 200µl assay) and offers significantly increased sensitivity over absorbance at 260nm (NanoDrop) for samples containing low concentrations of RNA. Sensitivity is equivalent to that of Quant-iT™ RiboGreen®, with wider dynamic range.

Sample* Assay
QuantiFluor® RNA System
Quant-iT™ RiboGreen
Qubit® RNA HS (5–100ng)
NanoDrop® 2000 Spectrophotometer
*Based on 1µl sample input per assay. Quantitation of more dilute samples is possible using more input RNA per assay.

RNA Quantitation Sensitivity and Assay Linearity

The QuantiFluor® RNA System detects as little as 0.5ng/ml RNA in a 96-well microplate assay (corresponding to 1µl of a 100ng/ml starting sample). Detection limit is defined as greater than three standard deviations above background RFU.


Easy Setup on Microplate or Single-Tube Fluorometers

The QuantiFluor® RNA System includes all the necessary reagents to quickly set up and quantitate RNA, and is easy to set up on microplate or single-tube fluorometers. The System is compatible with any fluorometer capable of measuring the appropriate fluorescence excitation and emission spectra. Compatible Promega fluorometers include:

Quantus Nucleic Acid Quantification Fluorometer

(Use Blue Channel Ex 460nm, Em 515–575nm)

How Do Fluorescent Dyes Compare to Other Quantitation Methods?

In these short videos, Promega Applications Scientist Doug Wieczorek explains how fluorescent dye-based methods compare to other popular quantification techniques. Check them out for some quick guidelines on choosing the right nucleic acid quantitation method for your needs.

UV-Absorbance vs Fluorescence

Fluorescence vs qPCR


What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

20X TE Buffer (pH 7.5)

E260A 1 × 25ml View Product

RNA Standard

E299A 1 × 100μg

QuantiFluor® RNA Dye

E286A 1 × 1ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


Patents and Disclaimers

U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,598,198 and 9,206,474 and other patents and patents pending.

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