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Advancing Cellular Imaging With Enhanced Tagging Technologies

In the field of fluorescence microscopy, traditional fluorescent proteins have been instrumental in visualizing cellular processes, but they come with significant limitations. Issues such as photobleaching, poor signal-to-noise ratios and limited color options have often hindered the quality, reliability and multiplexing potential of imaging results. The HaloTag® system offers a robust solution by allowing researchers to fuse their protein of interest with the HaloTag® protein and pair it with the powerful Janelia Fluor® dyes that are available in a variety of colors. Learn how this innovative labeling approach addresses the challenges of traditional fluorescent proteins, such as photobleaching and low signal-to-noise ratios. The webinar will cover key super-resolution techniques, including Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM), STORM, and STED, and their applications in both live and fixed specimen imaging.

Elizabeth Vu, PhD, Senior Scientist, Advanced Technology Group, Promega
Mark Willett, PhD, Head of Imaging and Microscopy Centre, University of Southampton, UK

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm London / 5pm Amsterdam-Paris
Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 12pm Singapore / 3pm Sydney / 1pm Seoul / 9:30am New Delhi

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Wednesday, Oct 16 Thursday, Oct 17

Does PowerPlex® 18E System Live Up to its Promise?

No other field of forensic medicine has developed as explosively in recent years as forensic molecular biology. New methods are constantly being developed, including special applications, which are intended to improve the processing of specific case constellations. The Institute for Forensic Medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich has been focusing with and on two such applications – both dealing with mixture deconvolution - for many years: The preparation of individual skin flakes from adhesive tapes as well as single cell DNA typing. Skin flakes and single cells are the ideal material to explore the potential and limitations of the new PowerPlex® 18E System. Join our featured speaker, Prof Dr. Katja Anslinger, as she provides results from her comparative tests to answer the question, does the kit live up to its promise?

Dr. Anupama Gopalakrishnan, Sr. Product Manager, Promega
Professor Dr. Katja Anslinger, Head of Department - Forensic Molecular Biology, Institute of Legal Medicine, LMU, Munich

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - 9am CDT / 10am EDT / 2pm London / 3pm Amsterdam-Paris

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Wednesday, Oct 30  

Simplify Complex Nucleic Acid Extractions: Learn how to build walk away automated methods for FFPE, ccfDNA, Blood etc.

Automating your nucleic acid extraction workflows can enable higher throughput, improve precision, reduce labor, etc. However, developing the methods on highly flexible and sophisticated liquid handling workstations such as the Hamilton, Tecan, Beckman Coulter etc. is non-trivial and requires an understanding of the robotics, the biological sample, the extraction chemistry, and the quality requirements of the downstream application to assess the performance of the workflow. Join our interactive Forum and ask our panel of experts all the challenging questions you have on how to efficiently automate your nucleic acid extraction workflow.

Douglas Horejsh, PhD, Associate Director, R&D
Rick Grygiel, Supervisor, Field Support Scientists
Brandon Krueger, Field Support Scientist

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - 10am CST / 11am EST / 4pm London / 5pm Amsterdam-Paris

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Wednesday, Nov 13 

Illuminating New Frontiers-Cracking the Undruggable Code

We invite you on a groundbreaking journey across the evolving landscape of drug discovery. This three-day virtual event unites trailblazers in science and industry to explore how innovative approaches are reshaping our ability to tackle 'undruggable' targets. From the complexities of the RAS pathway and the intricacies of protein-protein interactions to the pioneering fields of targeted protein degradation/induced proximity and RNA targeting, each day illuminates a different frontier of therapeutic potential.

We stand at the cusp of a new era, where challenges become opportunities for breakthroughs that extend beyond conventional boundaries. This event is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in unveiling new therapeutic strategies, offering hope for untreatable conditions. Join us as we navigate the cutting-edge of science, inspiring a future where every target is within our reach, and no patient is left without options.

Day 1 - Rethinking Undruggable Targets: New Insights into RAS and Protein Interactions

In the realm of drug discovery, certain targets have long been deemed "undruggable" due to their complex nature and the technical challenges associated with modulating them therapeutically. Among these, the RAS pathway stands out as an important element in cell signaling implicated in numerous cancers and diseases. Historically deemed undruggable due to its complex biochemistry and lack of suitable binding sites, RAS has recently witnessed a paradigm shift. Recent innovations in molecular biology—coupled with breakthroughs in drug design and technology—have challenged the notion that the RAS pathway is undruggable, leading to the development and market approval of RAS-targeting therapeutics. Similarly, protein-protein interactions (PPIs)—key elements of RAS signaling—represent untapped therapeutic potential, offering avenues to intervene in disease processes in ways previously deemed infeasible. In this session, we will explore the latest research targeting the RAS/MEK/ERK signaling pathway and learn about novel approaches being developed to manipulate and measure PPIs within RAS and other signaling networks.

Arvin Dar, PhD, Sloan Kettering Institute, MSKCC
HyunHee Cho, Novartis BioMedical Research
Tommy Turbyville, Ph.D, National Cancer Institute-RAS Initiative
Marie Schwinn, PhD, Promega

Tuesday, October 22 - 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm London / 5pm Amsterdam-Paris

Day 2 - Next-Generation Therapeutics: The Power of Induced Proximity and Targeted Protein Degradation

Efforts to develop treatments for previously “undruggable” targets have launched a new phase in drug discovery, highlighted by the rise of next-generation therapeutics. Induced proximity, a strategy manipulating molecular interactions for desired outcomes, and targeted protein degradation, leveraging the cell's machinery to degrade pathogenic proteins, are forging new treatment paradigms and redefining our ability to modulate previously intractable molecular targets. In this session we will hear from leading experts as they present the latest research in this fast-moving field and learn how these cutting-edge strategies are transforming how we are tackling diseases once considered beyond reach.

Fleur Ferguson, PhD, University of California, San Diego
Georg Winter, PhD, Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Kristin M. Riching, PhD, Promega
Zoran Rankovic, PhD, The Institute of Cancer Research

Wednesday, October 23 - 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm London / 5pm Amsterdam-Paris

Day 3 - Unlocking the Potential of RNA: New Paths for Targeting RNA

This session delves into the innovative realm of RNA as a key therapeutic target in modern drug discovery. Long considered a challenging prospect due to its dynamic nature and critical role in gene regulation, RNA offers unique opportunities for intervention. We will explore cutting-edge advancements in directly targeting RNA molecules and RNA-protein interactions, which are opening new avenues in treatment strategies. Discover how novel RNA-targeting techniques are transforming our ability to influence genetic and cellular functions, presenting potential cures for previously untreatable conditions.

Amanda Garner, PhD, University of Michigan
Matt Disney, PhD, Scripps Institute
John S. Schneekloth, Jr. (Jay), PhD, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD
Brad Swanson, Ph.D, Promega Corporation

Thursday, October 24 - 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 4pm London / 5pm Amsterdam-Paris

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Full 3-day Event Day 1 only  Day 2 only  Day 3 only 

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