Quality Management

Quality You Can Trust, Innovation You Can See

Our established quality system ensures you receive a high quality, safe, and effective product every time, no matter where you are worldwide.

25+ years ISO certified
Average leadership tenure >15 years
15 ISO certified locations globally

ISO and MDSAP Certifications

All manufacturing sites are ISO certified.
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 Operations and Quality Systems
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Personalized Quality Support

Looking to qualify Promega as a new supplier?

If you have any quality-related questions, email qualitysurvey@promega.com.

We are an experienced reagents and instruments manufacturer, and contract manufacturer, of over 4,000 products that are distributed in 100+ countries. We support the following market segments:

forensic and paternity laboratories
government and academic laboratories
veterinary, food, environmental testing
clinical and diagnostic labs
pharmaceutical and biotech labs

Over 85% of our products are manufactured in our own facilities, ensuring we can quickly supply you with the highest quality products.

Commitment to Quality and Support

Quality Policy

Promega Corporation delivers high-quality, safe, and effective products worldwide. Promega continually improves the quality program to provide products that consistently meet the needs of customers and stakeholders.

Our Quality Management System (QMS) assures that all design, manufacturing, and delivery activities consistently produce high quality products that meet or exceed customer and regulatory requirements. The identification of key processes and their interactions support the effectiveness of the quality system. The graphic below represents the key processes that comprise the Promega QMS.

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