Certificates of Analysis
Download all your certificates for reference during quality checks and audits. We integrate new technologies into our testing workflow and supplement our existing data to provide you with up-to-date, relevant product-verification data.

Certificate of Analysis Update
We're implementing a rolling change to update the format and streamline information on our Certificates of Analysis. While this will affect the look and feel of our Certificate of Analysis content, there are no changes to products or specifications.
Looking for something you used to see on your Certificate of Analysis?
Visit the related product page for additional information.
Sustainability Update
To support our sustainability aspirations, Promega will no longer ship paper copies of Certificates of Analysis for more than 1,000 products.
This will save over 500,000 sheets of paper every year.
Get more details on our Green Sheet.
A proud part of our Environmentally Preferable Products initiative.
Search Certificates of Analysis
Enter REF or LOT number from the Kit Product Label, found on the outside of the Promega box or the kit packaging sheet.
Note: Part numbers that end in a letter (e.g., M742A), custom orders that contain any X (e.g., X1234X), early access materials that start with a CS (e.g., CS123456) and lot numbers found on product tubes or bottles are not searchable here.

Do use the Kit Product Label

Do not use the label on individual parts
Enter REF or LOT Number