Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant RNA Kit

Maxwell 16 LEV Plant RNA Kit 48 preps
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Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant RNA Kit

Faster RNA Purification, Less Hands-On Time and More Efficient Workflows

The Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant RNA Kit is used with the Maxwell® 16 Research Instrument (Cat.# AS2000) to provide an easy method for efficient, automated purification of RNA from plant tissue samples. The Maxwell® 16 Instrument is supplied with preprogrammed purification methods and is designed for use with the predispensed reagent cartridges supplied in the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant RNA Kit. The instrument can process from 1 to 16 samples in under an hour, and the purified RNA can be used directly in downstream applications including real-time RT-qPCR, gel electrophoresis, microarrays and sequencing (e.g., NGS and Sanger).

  • Consistent processing and higher yields mean less re-isolation of samples, reducing costs and increasing the reliability of your results.
  • No organic extraction and minimal preprocessing required.

Purifies High-Quality RNA from Arabidopsis, Soybean and Corn

Yield of RNA from corn, soybean, arabidopsis using Maxwell Plant RNA kit

RNA was extracted from 40mg of Arabidopsis, corn and soybean leaf tissues (n=6 for each sample type) using the Maxwell® RSC Plant RNA Kit and eluted in 50µl. Eluted RNA was quantified using the QuantiFluor® RNA Dye and the Quantus™ Fluorometer.

Purity of RNA isolated from corn, soybean, arabidopsis using the Maxwell 16 Plant RNA Kit

RNA was extracted from 40mg of fresh leaf tissues (n=4 for each sample type) using the Maxwell® 16 Plant RNA kit and eluted in 50µl. Yield was determined by spectroscopy. A260/A280 ratios above 1.8, and A260/A230 ratios between 1.8 and 2.4 were achieved for all samples.

Purified RNA Performs Well In RT-PCR

RNA Yield and Performance

RNA yield from corn, soybean and arabidopsis using the Maxwell 16 Plant RNA Kit

RNA was extracted from 40mg of plant leaf tissue from the indicated species, eluted in 50µl and quantitated by RT-qPCR using species-specific primer/probe sets. The 1:10 dilution for all three species indicates that there is no inhibition based on volume input.

No Inhibition in RT-PCR

No inhibition of RT PCR using RNA extracted with the Maxwell 16 Plant RNA Kit

Inhibition of amplification of extracted RNA: Comparison to an Internal Positive Control. RNA samples (n=4), purified from leaves of the indicated plants, were added to a TaqMan® Exogenous Internal Positive Control (IPC) reaction. A ΔCt value of zero indicates no inhibition, and a ΔCt of two or below is considered acceptable. The observed ΔCt values for the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant RNA samples indicate minimal inhibition.


What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately


A208B 1 × 900μl

Maxwell® RSC Cartridge (RSCO)

AS174A 48 × 1 each

LEV Plungers

AS610A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Elution Tubes (0.5ml)

AS620A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Blue Dye

C888A 1 × 50μl

Lysis Buffer

MC501C 1 × 20ml

Nuclease-Free Water

P119C 1 × 25ml View Product

Homogenization Solution

Z305H 1 × 30ml

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 2 × 1 vial View Product

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions



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