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Acta Cytol. Apr 17, 1-8. Development and Validation of Molecular Assays for Limited Tissue Samples. 2019

Sussman, R., Rosenbaum, J.N.

Notes: A review of the various competing demands when developing and validating various molecular techniques and assays for limited samples (e.g., tumor samples). ProNex® DNA QC Assay is mentioned when discussing the importance of sample quality, especially for applications such as next generation sequencing. (5222)

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Acta Sci. Cancer Biol. 2(1), Jan. Pre-analytical assessment of circulating cell-free DNA prepared by an isolation-free enrichment technology. 2018

Ford A., Brown C., et al.

Notes: The variability of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) quality from various samples (blood, FFPE, buffy coat, and plasma) is highlighted using multiple purification methods with analysis via ProNex® DNA QC assay. Prior quality determination is highlighted as an important step to assure the success of expensive downstream analyses (e.g., next generation sequencing). (5218)

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Hum. Immunol. 79 Supplement, 132. P096 Collection & storage of blood samples for cfDNA extraction: Is the more always the merrier? 2018

Willis A., Robinson J., Knudson, T., and Askar, M. 

Notes: These authors compared circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) quality from sample collection and storage in Streck or ACD tubes. The ProNex® DNA QC Assay was used to evaluate the level of gDNA contamination in the various samples. (5221)

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Hum. Immunol. 79 Supplement, 133-134. P097 Quantity, integrity & purity: A comparative study of different genomic dna assessment methods. 2018

Willis, A., Knudsen, T., and Askar, M.

Notes: This study compares various DNA quantity and quality determination methods. The authors used the ProNex® DNA QC assay to determine gDNA degradation, the results were consistent with TapeStation measurements. (5219)

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Virchows Arch Epub before print. DNA degrades during storage in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue blocks 2017

Guyard, A., Boyez, A., Pujals, A., Robe, C., Tran Van Nhieu, J., Allory, Y., Moroch, J., Georges, O., Fournet, J.C., Zafrani, E.S. and Leroy, K.

Notes: DNA was purified from 46 carcinoma FFPE blocks using the same method that was used ~5.5 years after the samples were originally studied. The purified DNA was quantified and showed on average a 53% decline in the amount of DNA recovered from each sample. Amplifiability of purified DNA over time was determined by the ProNex® DNA QC Assay. ProNex® DNA QC Assay results showed that length of amplifiable DNA fragments decreased over time by comparing the ratio of 75bp fragments to 150bp and 300bp fragments respectively. The ratio of 75bp to 150bp fragments showed a decrease in amplifiable DNA from 58% to 16% over time, while the ratio of 75bp to 300bp fragments showed a decrease in amplifiable DNA from 31% to 2%. The decrease in amplifiable DNA fragments lead to a 3.3 fold decrease in library preparation yield. (4879)

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