Results from a Casework Pilot Study for PowerPlex® Y23 System

  • Use of the PowerPlex Y23 System in difficult sexual offence cases.


The PowerPlex® Y23 System is a 23-loci, 5-color Y-STR multiplex designed for genotyping forensic casework samples, database samples and paternity samples.

In this webinar, Jim Thomson from LGC Group describes the use of PowerPlex® Y23 System on difficult sexual offense cases, particularly those in which no sperm was identified. He shares success rates on different categories derived from a case study carried out on samples provided by nominated participating UK police forces.



Jim Thomson
Forensic Technical Science Lead at LGC

Jim Thomson is currently a Forensic Technical Science Lead at LGC. He received his BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry from the University of Bristol. Mr. Thomson has 30 years’ experience in forensic DNA identity testing, 20 of those years at LGC. He set up the first independent laboratory in the UK to test samples for the UK National DNA database in 1997, and has a broad background in forensic and genotyping technologies for many applications.

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