Nature Methods
15(6), 425–28.
Single-shot super-resolution total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy.
Guo, M., Chandris, P., Giannini, J.P., Trexler, A.J., Fischer, R., Chen, J., Vishwasrao, H.D., Rey-Suarez, I., Wu, Y., Wu, X., Waterman, C.M., Patterson, G.H., Upadhyaya, A., Taraska, J.W., Shroff, H.
Notes: The authors combined instant structured illumination microscopy (iSIM) with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) in an approach referred to as instant TIRF-SIM, and applied it to live samples to achieve rapid, high-contrast super-resolution imaging. Human osteosarcoma U2OS cells were transfected to monitor wild-type Ras dynamics and imaged with a HaloTag® chimera of HRas labeled with Janelia Fluor 549. (5070)
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