PowerQuant® Analysis Software
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While initial data analysis can be performed using the Applied Biosystems® 7500 Real-Time PCR System, you can perform secondary data analysis using the PowerQuant® Analysis Software. The software imports Cq values from a PowerQuant® run and performs the following calculations and assessments based on user-defined threshold values:
- Standard curves (acceptable R2, slope and y-intercept values)
- Sample quantity (based on the Standard Curves)
- Sample quality (possible inhibition, contamination or degradation)
The quantification values for replicate samples are automatically averaged, and normalized template amounts for optimized downstream STR amplification are calculated and displayed in multiple formats.
An additional feature is that the software can also be used to import sample names into the Applied Biosystems® 7500 and QuantStudio™ Real-Time qPCR Systems.
This software can be used on any compatible computer that meets the following system requirements:
Operating System: PC running Microsoft Windows® 7, 8.1 Pro, or 10 (x86 and x64)
RAM: 2GB or higher
External Resource: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (available at no charge from www.microsoft.com)
Processor Requirement: Dual-core processor
Instructions for use of this software can be found in the PowerQuant® System Technical Manual #TMD047, which is available at: www.promega.com/protocols/
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