Maxwell® RSC miRNA from Tissue or Plasma and Serum Kits

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Automated Purification of High-Quality Total RNA with an Enhanced miRNA Enrichment

  • High-quality, amplifiable RNA from mammalian tissue, plasma, serum or enriched exosomes
  • Simple, safe RNA extraction without organic reagents
  • Automated RNA extraction of 1–48 samples in a single run

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Catalog number selected: AS1460

$ 478.00
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Maxwell® RSC miRNA from Tissue or Plasma and Serum Kits
Tissues/48 preps
$ 478.00
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Purify High-Quality miRNA from Tissue, Plasma, Serum or Enriched Exosomes

The Maxwell® RSC miRNA Tissue Kit purifies total RNA, including microRNA (miRNA), from 1–48 tissue samples in about 90 minutes. The Maxwell® RSC miRNA Plasma and Serum Kit will purify total RNA, including miRNA, from 1–48 samples in about 70 minutes. The kits provide all the reagents required for sample processing and use prefilled cartridges for purification, simplifying extraction and freeing up your time for analysis.

The Maxwell® RSC miRNA Tissue and miRNA Plasma and Serum Kits work with both the Maxwell® RSC and RSC 48 instruments. The Maxwell® RSC Instrument can process from 1 to 16 samples and the Maxwell® RSC 48 can process from 1 to 48 samples in a single run. The Maxwell® RSC miRNA Tissue and miRNA Plasma and Serum Kits are also compatible for use on the Maxwell® CSC Instrument in RUO Mode.

The extracted RNA is highly concentrated and ready for use in RT-qPCR, RNA sequencing and other downstream applications used in biomarker detection, gene expression and other studies.


No clogging worries with a paramagnetic particle mover

Because the Maxwell® RSC Instruments are magnetic particle movers, not liquid handlers, they offer advantages over other automated systems. There is minimal risk of cross-contamination because no liquid handling of splattering happens during sample processing. With no clogs and fewer breakdowns, there are fewer disruptions in your workflow.

Simple, safe and efficient protocol

Purify RNA that is ready for use in downstream assays with minimal preprocessing and no organic reagents.

Using tissue

Automated miRNA extraction from tissue protocol

Using plasma, serum or enriched exosomes

Automated miRNA extraction from plasma serum or exosomes protocol

Consistent purification of multiple miRNA targets

miRNA from tissue

Multiple miRNA targets can be consistently purified from mammalian tissues. The high-quality RNA is ready to use in downstream amplification assays such as RT-qPCR.

high yields of automated miRNA extraction from tissue
high yields of automated miRNA extraction from different tissues
miRNA purified from pancreas, kidney and liver samples. miRNA yield was quantitated for both mir-21 and let-7a targets by RT-qPCR using TaqMan®-based miRNA-specific primers and standards.

miRNA from plasma

Consistent purification of high-quality miRNA from plasma, serum or enriched exosomes.

high yields of automated miRNA extraction from plasma
miRNA purified from plasma. Comparison of the total yield of miR-21 purified from 200μl of plasma using the Maxwell® RSC miRNA Plasma and Serum Kit or the miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Kit (Qiagen). N = 4.


You are viewing: AS1460 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately


A208B 1 × 900μl

Maxwell® RSC Cartridge (RSCN)

AS173A 48 × 1 each

Elution Tubes (0.5ml)

AS620A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Blue Dye

C888A 1 × 50μl

Proteinase K (PK) Solution

MC500C 2 × 1ml View Product

Lysis Buffer

MC501C 1 × 20ml

Nuclease-Free Water

P119C 1 × 25ml View Product

Homogenization Solution

Z305H 1 × 30ml

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 2 × 1 vial View Product

RSC Plungers

AS1670 1 × 48/pack View Product

Lytic Enhancer

MC145A 1 × 20ml

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions



You are viewing: AS1680 Change Configuration

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

RSC Plungers

AS1670 1 × 48/pack View Product

Maxwell® RSC Cartridge (RSCL)

AS168A 48 × 1 each

Elution Tubes (0.5ml)

AS620A 1 × 50/pk View Product

Blue Dye

C888A 1 × 50μl

Lysis Buffer C

MC136A 1 × 25ml

Proteinase K (PK) Solution

MC500C 5 × 1ml View Product

Nuclease-Free Water

P119C 1 × 25ml View Product

DNase I (lyophilized)

Z358A 2 × 1 vial View Product

Certificate of Analysis

Search by lot number

Use Restrictions

For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.

Storage Conditions


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