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Biotechnology Custom Packaging

Bottles, labels and packaging are critical components of a complete custom solution. We have multiple product formatting options to meet your needs.

Contact us today, and one of our scientists will be in touch to discuss your needs, challenges and serve as your champion in finding a custom packaging solution.

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Packaging Designed with You in Mind

Our new custom packaging was created specifically with our customers in mind—we needed a packaging design as unique as you and your custom orders. Every area of life science, every lab, every researcher is different, and not every traditional catalog product can fulfill every specific need.

Certified as Sustainable

Our packaging is an extension of our commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility efforts to benefit our planet, people and communities.

On the bottom of the boxes, you will find our sustainability logos. Our sustainable, eco-friendly printed packaging material uses Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI) Chain of Custody level certified fiber. The SFI label indicates a commitment to tracking fiber from forest content to end product using a third-party internationally recognized sustainability standard.

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Less Is More

We continuously search for innovative ways to reduce packaging, incorporate eco-friendly materials and design for recycling or reuse. Our boxes have been reengineered to be more efficient, implementing an auto-bottom configuration which means we can use less paperboard, ink and adhesive.

renewably sourced ink

Renewably Sourced Ink and Adhesives


Tamper-Evident Seal Minimizes Plastic Usage

streamlined labeling

Streamlined Labeling Decreases Paper Usage

saved 1.5M sq ft of plastic

Feel Confident About Your Impact

In addition to our packaging materials being more sustainable, we sought additional ways to use less paper and plastic. We have streamlined our labeling system to reduce paper usage and also switched to tamper evident seals to cut down on plastic usage. These seals eliminate the need for shrink wrapping and helps us save over 139,000m2 or 1.5 million ft2 of plastic per year.

The boxes also weigh less overall, ultimately reducing carbon emissions from shipping. Keeping sustainability a top priority and focus in our packaging design empowers everyone who uses and benefits from our products to feel confident about the impact they are making, not only in the lab, but also on the planet.

Configurable Solutions to Meet Your Specific Needs

Whether you need a unique format, custom formulation or bulk option, our new Custom/OEM packaging comes in 17 different box size options to best streamline your order.

The inherent modular design of the packaging allows us to specifically design a packaging solution for you that best fits your specific needs, and accommodates a range of bottle sizes from 8ml up to 625ml.

configurable solutions

Improved Storage and Efficiency So You Can Focus On What Matters

The broad range of sizing options allow our packaging to be more efficient and compact, which helps to minimize the amount of valuable, and often limited, lab storage space occupied.

The various size options also allows us to use less material overall in packing your order, which in turn considerably cuts down the amount of time and effort invested on the receiving end.

By reducing the amount of packaging material, this reduces the amount of effort and time needed on your part, so you can spend less time unpacking your order and more time focusing on what really matters: your work.

About Our Packaging Design

The heart of our Custom Solutions packaging identity is a culmination of our dedication as a company to three core components: our customers, our planet and molecular biology’s Central Dogma—the theory describing the flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins.

The Central Dogma is foundational to all Promega products, no matter the life science area of study. From genomics to drug discovery, from cellular analysis to genetic identity, it all begins here.

This dogma is also a key piece to the packaging design, serving as the inspiration for the packaging artwork itself. Check out this interview to learn more about David Goodsell, the artist behind this illustration.

In addition to being more sustainable and efficient, our Custom Solutions packaging redesign also earned a 2022 American In-House Design Award.

gd usa logo

Custom/OEM Packaging Solutions

Packaging plays a key role in a complete custom solution. We have multiple custom options for product format and packaging to meet your needs, from filling to bulk orders to private labeling designed to match your workflow.



Specify exactly what you want, from microliters to multiple liters. Our small- to large-volume dispensing lines were designed for flexibility. Lyophilization and cartridge-filling capabilities are also available.



You choose the container that best fits your workflow from our broad menu of tube and bottle options. Our team will help ensure that your selection not only meets your needs but also maintains bottle integrity.


Private Label

Your product, your container, your label, your box, your brand —your way. We offer a variety of labeling choices and will work with you to deliver exactly what you need.


Packaging Design

We will work with you to design and prototype kitting options. Our packaging engineers will consult on primary, secondary and shipping containers, including labels. ASTM D4169 and ISTA 3A distribution testing are available.

Custom Packaging Options

Learn more about speeding your time to market with custom packaging options.

Download PDF

Small Enough To Listen, Big Enough to Deliver

Backed by our friendly and knowledgeable global Custom Solutions team, our Custom/OEM services offer flexible solutions and collaborative, expert support to meet you where you are, address your challenges and adapt with you as your needs grow and change.

When you work with us, you gain a partner that will support you through your trials and triumphs in the lab. There’s no problem too small or idea too big—we are here to help you find your path to success. Start a conversation with us today and discover where we can go together.